8th May 2020
Dr. Anita Sukhwani
Dear Dr. Anita,
On behalf of Protiviti India Member Private Limited, We would like to thank you for sparing you valuable time from your
busy schedule to interact with our team and conducting a workshop on Driving Positive Thinking in the "New Normal"
on 7th May 2020.
We truly appreciate your kind gesture in talking to our peoples on the ways to keep them motivated and have a positive frame
of mind and thought process during these difficult times.
As requested by you, we will be making a small contribution of Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees Twenty five thousand only) to B.Y.L
Nair Charitable Hospital as a token of appreciation for your session.
For Protiviti India Memeber Private Limited
(Nirmala Gupta)
Authority Signatory